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It has always been my pleasure, indeed an honor, to employ such excellent and admirable people.  Yet once in a very rare blue moon someone comes along, a stone skipping along your serene calm waters, that causes a series of amazing ripples as it glides and jump.  And while you enjoy encouraging the smooth stone along its path; Ultimately you know that soon the rock, once happily skimming your surface must find new and unknown depths to travel. 

That is you.  

You have left ripple after happy ripple upon our surface.  Surely as a restaurant; but more importantly for me as an individual.  Watching an eager young host absorb and master Mine and Alexa's personal standards in our approach to hospitality has been satisfying.  Yet watching you try your damnedest and giving your all to live up to our standards all the while not realizing those lofty expectations had become your own... Now that is gratifying. 

You're an amazing woman.  You have the potential to be a great professional in the hospitality world as a professional.  But you have already been a force in our, and countless others', lives.  I know you humbly don't realize the impact you've made on a couple of busted up small business owners... but for that humility we love you all the more. 

we have encouraged each ripple knowing that your long awaited and all too soon dive to deeper and unknown depths was on the horizon.  You have enriched our lives and validated why we do what we do, and who we are as professionals, as friends and as people. 

You've done everything right.  Keep going. 

You didn't come this far to get this far. 

Your forever friend and one time manager...

Nick L. Dedier III 

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